I think the "Clockwork Orange" is a very controversial movie.
controversial when it came out and I still think it is . Different audience will have .
different attitudes towards this movie. Some might think that it is very good and .
very cool or even very funny. Others might think that it is very disturbing and .
they wouldn't want to watch it after five minutes or so. To me, I think this movie .
should never be shown to the public in the first place. It has too much sexual .
and violence scenes. It was just too much for the audiences to watch.
The reason why I think this movie was not supposed to be shown to the .
public was because of the sexual violence scenes. In the "Clockwork Orange", .
there was the "Singing in the Rain" raping scene in the old man's house, and .
the penis-and-testicle sculpture murdering scene. For the most part that I hate .
and couldn't tolerate, was the 4 stabbed Jesus sculptures scene. It was very .
disturbing to Christians, and it was just totally not acceptable and unnecessary .
to show it.
I am totally opposed to the existence of this movie. It was just too bloody .
and too sexually violence. I was more disturbed by the sexual part than the .
violence part. Recent movies are probably a hundred times more violence than .
the "Clockwork Orange" because they have computer animation and .
technologies to do that. I was disturbed by the sexual scenes personally .
maybe because I don't watch pornography. When I first saw those scenes, I .
just think they are very disturbing and I just want to close my eyes and not .
watch it. They tried to make some humorous scenes, but I didn't think it was .
humorous at all. For example like fast forwarding the sex scene that Alex and .
the two other girls had. It was all very disturbing scenes even though they tried .
to make it humorous. .
I see no point or theme in the movie at all, although people told me that .
the point was to tell us that humans can't change humans.