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Plea bargaining

             the defendant. This information could be useful in convicting other individuals that may .
             be involved with the same case, or other cases that may be under investigation, (Sergio .
             Herzog. Journey of criminal law & criminology, 2003. Vol 94, Iss. 1; pg 103, 29 pgs).
             When a person accepts a plea bargain, that person is not denying that he/she committed that .
             crime, but this person is willing to accept a lesser charge or lesser time to serve. Also the courts can .
             drop other charges as a part of this process. There are over 90% of convictions that come from plea .
             bargaining. That leaves 10% of criminal cases that end up in a trial. (Plea Bargains: How Most .
             criminal Cases End 20/3).
             Plea bargaining is prevalent for practical reasons. For the defendant and the tax payers it .
             can save a lot of time and money. In some cases, the defendant will start out paying a .
             retainer fee of just $10,000.00 dollars. That amount can even go up to $100,000.00 .
             dollars or more, if the case goes to trial. If the defendant cannot afford an attorney, then a .
             public defenders is appointed to him. And yes the tax payers will be paying for his .
             lawyer. In many cases there is the possibility of the defendant being found not guilty. When this .
             happens, then there is a lot of time and money wasted on the whole process of trying to convict a .
             person. With the plea bargaining process, the prosecutor and defense can avoid time and spending .
             tax payer's money on a trial.
             Another factor in using plea bargaining for many cases, may be that the courts do not have .
             enough evidence, or have the opinion that the defendant could be found not guilty if .
             proceeding to trial. In some cases, it could take months to over a year to complete a trial .
             in court. When ever you have to wait on a trial, you will find that they have to hold the .
             defendant in the jail while awaiting the completion of the trial process. This is more of .
             the tax payer's money being spent.

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