It was bright green and the seams on the bra were still pretty sharp and her belly was still pretty pale so I guessed she just got it (the suit) "there was this one, with one of those chubby berry-faces, the lips all bunched together under her nose, this one, and a tall one, with black hair that hadn't quite frizzed right, and one of these sunburns right across under the eyes, and a chin that was too long "you know, the kind of girl other girls think is very "striking- and "attractive- but never quite makes it, as they very well know, which is why they like her so much "and then the third one, that wasn't quite so tall. She was the queen. She kind of led them, the other two peeking around and making their shoulders round. She didn't look around, not this queen, she just walked straight on slowly, on these long white primadonna legs. She came down a little hard on her heels and then letting the weight move along to her toes as if she was testing the floor with every step, putting a little deliberate extra action into it(1545). .
Sammy was in awe by the way the queen wore her bathing suit, with her straps down off her shoulders so "there was nothing between the top of the suit and the top of her head except just her, this clean bare plane of the top of her chest down from the shoulder bones like a dented sheet of metal tilted in the light- (1545). .
As the girls made their way through the store Stokesie joined in with Sammy and watched the girls. They watched as the girls walked up the aisles while the "sheep- pushed their carts and "houseslaves- marked grocery items they had put in their baskets off their lists. As the girls walked past the "sheep- and the "houseslaves- the customers turned around shocked to see something so out of the ordinary in their small town where everything tends to be the same.
When the girls made their way to the front of the store with their purchase they went through Sammy's register.