Although, there are studies that show that we have more medical problems with men. But this is just obvious, we go through menstruating, pregnancy, and menopause. And do men have to go through any of this? NO. Women interact with the health-care system differently then men do, with increased visits and different types of complaints (Shaw, 266). So, in a way, we are more special then men in that we have many more complications. But I do not think that one or the other (male or female) is more important when dealing with gender. We are both equally important, in that we each have our own problems to deal with. Without one, there could not be the other. .
This issue influenced me and impacted my attitudes towards the female vs. male genders in ways I never thought possible.
The topic of reproductive rights greatly influenced me, considering that I plan on having children after college. Right now, I have the choice to use various forms of birth control to prevent pregnancy at a time which child birth would be very inconvenient. This is a right that I hold and it makes me feel very much in control of my life. While reading "Caught in the Crossfire" (Gorney, 278), I was really disturbed by what was happening to all of the young mothers who tried to have abortions and were unsuccessful. It made me really appreciative of birth control methods that we have today. The list of instruments used for abortion included: a curtain rod, a football pump & straw, and a nut pick. These instruments were horrifying to hear about. It really made me realize how lucky I am to have never gone through such terrible circumstances. This also made me realize how important something like birth control can be. This is a time in my life that I need to feel in control and get things together for my future. Knowing that I have birth control as an option makes me feel much more secure. And if I did accidentally get pregnant I know that I would probably have the choice of abortion, although this is something I am very skeptical about.