Thomas nelson says understanding of nadsat comes to the reader covertly, through the intricacies of style and rhetoric. These hidden meanings could not be voiced in the movie, that is why in the movie Alex not only lacks conscience, like an innocent, but knowledge as well. (Nelson 136).
In 1971 a clockwork orange was turned into a movie. It was directed by Stanley Kubric. The movie had a powerful impact upon our culture. It brought all of Anthony Burgess" ideas of ultra-violence into full picture and color. Alex in the movie is slightly different then Alex in the film. In the book his crimes were even more brutal then the movie, since in the book Alex always chose 10 year old girls as his victims to intensify his violent thrills . (Wagner, 331).
While burgess depicts Alex as knowledgeable, Kubric depicts him as ignorant. There are two main reasons for this. The first one is because when the book was released in America it actually had the last chapter missing, which is where Alex is finally depicted as a man growing older, maybe not wiser, but older. The other is because the novel had a glossary where all of Alex's words are explained in the glossary, and you can understand that he is actually speaking in a knowledgeable way, while in the movie nothing is explained and you are left to figure it out for yourself, But what the film lacks in dialect, because you cannot understand most of the words, it makes up in imagery. The adaptation by Kubric was criticized because of its depiction of such horrible crimes in great detail. It was even almost banned in England because of its violent nature. The movie did for the Hollywood world, what the novel did for the writer's world. It opened up a new chapter of what was acceptable on the big screen. Pop culture now thrives on this type of humor, a so-called dark humor that is seen in many popular shows such as South Park and the Simpsons. This whole genre was opened up because of films like a clockwork orange.