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            In the past couple of weeks all the media can talk about is how Americans are eating themselves to death. Every single day we pass a McDonalds, Burger King, Taco Bell, and many other fast food restaurants. These high calorie low nutrition "huts" are places everyone goes on a regular basis. People don't have time to go home and cook a fully nutritional meal for the whole family after a hard days work. So they pack up the minivan and drive to there nearest major intersection and order a nice fat greasy meal. Five hundred calories here another hundred there seems like a norm in the world of fast food. The question that we need to ask is, are people fat because they eat to much fast food, is it because they just like to eat, or are people getting fat or being overweight for other reasons. .
             Most of our television commercials today show only the perfect ten woman and man. If an overweight person is in a commercial it's usually because he/she is talking about how much weight they lost by using a weight loss product. People today must look a certain way in order for our society to accept them(At least that's how the media wants us to think). Some people argue that a commercial must have someone attractive that has a perfect ten figure in order to attract people. For example when there is a beer commercial on TV. very rarely do you see a five hundred pound woman serving a nice cold beer over the counter. Its the perfect woman that does it five foot ten inches tall, one hundred five pounds, c-cup and a face just like a Barbie. You cant say you don't like it because this is how the media has taught us to react over time. Girls in elementary schools and high schools are now on very strict diets because in there minds they have to look like Britney or some other perfect bodied person on TV. And if you don't look like them your not cool. They think that guys are not going to find them attractive because they don't look like the girl on TV.

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