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Where do we go from here?

: "It is the policy of the United States to deter, defeat and respond vigorously to all terrorist attacks on our territory and against our citizens, or facilities, whether they occur domestically, in international waters or airspace or on foreign territory. The United States regards all such terrorism as a potential threat to national security as well as a criminal act and will apply all appropriate means to combat it. In doing so, the U.S. shall pursue vigorously efforts to deter and preempt, apprehend and prosecute, or assist other governments to prosecute, individuals who perpetrate or plan to perpetrate such attacks.".
             It is my opinion George W. is on a mission to avenge his father's crusade. He wants to kill the man who tried to kill his father. And in doing so he and his administration plans to override the Iraqi, Afghani, and other terrorist regimes to replace it with a U.S. influenced government. There are many reasons for this, but primarily it is to protect our own interests. In doing so, we plan to (and will) install a "scratch our back; we'll scratch yours" system that will prove to be a win/win situation. And this is for good reason: not only do we want to ensure security for the citizens but we also want to have economic gain from helping those in need. One way we can attain this is by gaining much needed support from the oil producing countries. It is opinion from many conspiracy theorists that the war in Afghanistan is actually double-sided. Some believe that we are not only there to find and kill Osama bin Laden, but also to gain control of a key oil pipeline planning to be built through that region. It can be infered that if we help the people of Afghanistan overthrow the Taliban and set up a new government, we will in turn gain the support and blessing of those people to have reign over this pipleine. This taken from a conspiiracy theorist website "So the Third Afghan War obviously isn't about fighting terrorism - leading cynics to conclude that it must be about (yawwwwwwn!) oil.

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