Video games have made a great impact on my life dating back to when I was a .
Console gaming has come a long was it the past fifteen years. Starting of with .
Atari that had simple games like pong and pacman to the extremely advance consoles like .
PS2 and X-BOX. These games are amazingly real and almost feel like a simulation of .
real life. I still remember the day I got my first console, I was five years old and it was .
Christmas. My parents set up a little game with clues to find my present. I finally found .
the last clue which brought me back to where I started, my bedroom. As I looked under .
my bed as the note advised me to, I suddenly gasped for air. Since then I have never turn .
my back on video game. I felt like they were essential entertainment in my life. I can't .
say that you would get more knowledge out of a video game than a book but I can .
definitely say it better than watching cartoons. What do you get out of cartoons? Are you .
even giving the show any thought? Not really. Video games help youths educationally, .
socially, sometimes emotionally.
Many children have dreams, dreams of being a knight in the medieval times, .
fighting off a dragon to save a princess. I once had this dream but I didn't like to read as .
do many youths today. What better way to fulfill that dream then to play a game like .
Dungeons and Dragons , which whisks you back to that era and with the realism on the .
new consoles, it almost like you right there. It lets you imagination soar beyond the skies. .
Although not a book, when I was young the video games did not have voiced characters .
in turn you would have to read the text to understand what was going on in the video .
game. This did help me how to read before I even picked up a book. Games like Final .
Fantasy and Legend of Zelda help you to expand your imagination beyond the horizons. .
There are puzzles and riddles that make you think, although not boring like school is, this .