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Self Help Books

His recurring theme focuses on adaptation rather than confrontation. .
             #That's where his Martian/Venusian dictionary comes in again. This is where he uses relationship conversation between men and women and shows how each gender interprets the banter that occurs between them. He characterizes the reasons for the different opinions and illustrates the positive and negative points of the speech and its response.
             Now let's move to Deborah Tannen. Her main selling point is the #rapport talk vs. report talk. This is stating that men need to establish a deep connection with women and talk to them on a personal level. She argues that men claim women talk more but in reality, it is men that talk considerably more especially in public settings while women prefer to talk in private. She asserts that men behave like this to preserve social order and exhibit knowledge and superiority.
             #Also, she feels that men don't seem to understand that women need to be able to confide personal details. She feels that men seem to be preoccupied with physical details and not enough with the emotional constraints of a relationship. Tannen feels that men and women have different priorities and that they need to compromise on them to set up a foundation to build on in order to further the relationship for the future.
             Tannen also takes several potshots at John Gray, calling him out as a greedy writer trying to capitalize on a catchy idea. In effect, Tannen is doing the same thing she's accusing Gray of practicing. Tannen seems more intent on dissecting the problems rather than solving them. I say this because unlike Gray, she explains why the behavior happens and not exclusively how to solve it.
             The next writer is Susan Page. Her work seems more of a true self-help theme. #She first highlights some problems that couples face and then she offers a step-by-step approach to solving the conflicts. Among her steps, she stresses negotiation rather than attacking.

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