Infact most people when asked about Australia mention only the Oprah House and for such a huge continent that is quite amazing. In this case you can definitely say that it is not the height of this structure that attracts the crowds but its amazing architecture, designed by renowned Danish architect - Jørn Utzon, and its sheer Iconic status around the world. Australia has many national Iconic buildings, for example the Rialto Tower in Melbourne, but none are as internationally renowned as the Sydney Opera House and this is what makes it such an amazing example of an Iconic building defining place and giving the Opera House emblematic status. .
Great Britain is well known for its iconic buildings but they all tend to be of historical value. Great Britain as a county may have iconic buildings like Big Ben and St Pauls Catherdral however it now has the huge task of giving its cities the proper international status they deserve. It appears that change for new modern iconic buildings is just round the corner after all we have the new Fosters building in London with talk of another new iconic building for the future, Birmingham has just finished its development of its huge enclosed shopping mall with talk of Glasgow doing the same. It will be vital in gaining international status for the UK's cities to use large emblematical type architecture that is original with no other design quite like anywhere else in the world; a good example of this is The Millennium Bridge. .
No longer is our iconic historical buildings good enough by themselves, as stated by Mr Terry Grimley, "If Birmingham wants to be international, it needs to stop acting provincial, and be big among the big-leagues of the world" . However we still must be wary of the fact that if we construct too many buildings with the intention of them gaining Iconic status the significance of individual buildings will definitely decrease.