Wakeboarding is the latest evolution of water-skiing sports.
In Wakeboarding, the rider's feet are strapped in foot bindings,.
and he or she is towed behind a boat using the wake from the boat as a ramp to propel.
themselves into the air. It is closely related to other board sports such as skateboarding.
and snowboarding. Since right now, Wakeboarding is the fastest growing watersport, I.
thought the article by Darren Sechrist, which was entitled, "So Slick," in the April 1999.
issue of Current Science, would be interesting to read about. Sechrist describes some key.
points when Wakeboarding such as balancing forces, getting your head above water, and.
getting some air.
There are three basic forces that are acting on a wakeboarder all at once. They are.
the pull of the towrope, gravity, and the resistance created as the board skims over the.
water. To stay upright on the board, the rider must use the force of the towrope to offset.
the other two forces acting against you. In order to achieve balanced forces so that you.
can glide along at a constant speed the forward force must equal the backward force, and.
the upward force must equal the downward force.
However, to reach a constant speed the rider must first get their head above water.
and onto the surface. You start in a sitting position with the front of the board sticking.
out of the water, this will create an upward force. As you start to rise you must decrease.
the angle of the board so that the pressure on the bottom of the board springs you up to.
the surface. Once your up and on the surface you must keep the front of your board.
slightly higher than the back, so that you can ride smoothly without falling.
What draws fans and riders to the sport is the tricks the riders can perform while.
in the air. Riders do their tricks by using the wake of the boat as a ramp. A wake is the.
wall of water that angles from the boat. Wakeboarders are able to use the wake as a ramp.
Wakeboarding vs. ... Wakeboarding and snowboarding share many similarities in the aspect of motion and the resulting rush of adrenaline. ... The warmer weather of the wakeboarding season, along with the wet conditions, allows for a light choice of clothing such as a life jacket and board shorts. ... In order to float on water the wakeboard is short, fat, and thick, with fins on the bottom that cut through the water. ...
Out of all the exciting accomplishments that I achieved at Smith Mountain Lake, I enjoyed my vacation time the most while I was wakeboarding across the choppy water, jetskiing at blinding speeds, and fishing underneath the warm afternoon sun. ... In retrospect, wakeboarding across the choppy water, jetskiing at blinding speeds, and fishing underneath the warm afternoon sun consist of my favorite parts of last summer's vacation. ... Whenever someone is learning how to wakeboard, it feels nice to have the ability to teach them something. ...
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Most Internet search engines use Boolean logic in their searches; you can say that you want all the pages about "wakeboarding NOT (tubing OR skiing)" to find all the pages about wakeboarding which don't mention anything about tubing and skiing.6 In the early part of the 20th century, multidisciplinary interests began converge on AI. ...