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The Development and Role of ATSIC

             "ATSIC was introduced into Australian parliament on the 10th of December 1987, by the then Minister for aboriginal Affairs, Gerry Hand". (Foley, G.1999) "ATSIC began operations on 5 March 1990, amalgamating the previous Department of Aboriginal Affairs (established 1972) and Aboriginal Development Commission (established 1980). It was set up to be more than the sum of its predecessors - it is a unique, decentralised organisation, combining representative, policy-making and administrative elements. It was designed to put into effect the principle of self-determination for indigenous Australians".(http://www.atsic.gov.au/About_ATSIC/annual_report/previous_annual_reports/annual_report_1994_95/chap1.asp) ATSIC was to become the main Commonwealth agency concerning Indigenous affairs. .
             The implications that ATSIC has had and the issues it has been involved with have been significant. "Through ATSIC's representative arm, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders are able to participate in the processes of government. Elected representatives are able to make decisions about the programs and policies that affect their communities, at both the regional level and the national level". (http://www.atsic.gov.au/About_ATSIC/annual_report/previous_annual_reports/annual_report_1994_95/chap1.asp) "ATSIC has a substantial voice and input into Government policies affecting not only Aboriginal people, but other members of the Australian community in areas such as reform of criminal law, anti-discrimination legislation, and family law".
             ( http://www.whoseland.com/paper10.html).
             On the basis of my research I feel that the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander population of Australia through ATSIC has a much greater input into what is placed into policies which concern them and their communities. Through this community input many new policies such as the "establishment of a sound economic base for indigenous advancement, the securing of human rights and equal opportunity, advancement of social welfare, education and cultural rights, the attainment of land rights and securing protection of Aboriginal heritage and sacred sites",( http://www.

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