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Comparision of the french and american revolutions

             The French Revolution was fought primarily for the reason of overthrowing the.
             existing government, and establishing a new one to replace it. It was an altruistic revolution that was fought to liberate individuals from crushing imperialism and provide basic human freedom. It was a revolt against absolute feudal and monarchial restraint. The spirit of this revolution was much more radical. The entire country was in upheaval, and the intent was to entirely destroy the ruling class. It was fought out of actual oppression and not just the fear that it might occur.
             At the time of the French Revolution, society was still based on a system of.
             feudalism dating back centuries. The citizens of France did not experience equality. The.
             nobility were extremely wealthy and becoming wealthier. The peasants were reduced to.
             extreme poverty in an attempt by the monarch and noblemen to build up greater wealth for themselves. There was no middle class or working class in France. The suppressed farmers were overwhelmed with higher and higher taxes and were ready for a revolution without having to be propagandized into it.1 The French Revolution occurred out of a basic need to overthrow tyranny.
             The American Revolutionists found it relatively easier to fight against the English.
             government because they did not feel an extreme loyalty to their "mother country". First,.
             they were on an entirely different continent and separated by the Atlantic Ocean from their empire. Second, the American colonists were comprised of immigrants not only from Great Britain, but from all European nations as well. The colonists of other nationalities, quite obviously, felt no loyalty whatsoever to King George the Third, Parliament, or Britain. Therefore the colonists did not have to overcome traitorous feelings in their fight for independence.
             The French Revolution, conversely, was a matter of the immediate subjects rebelling.

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