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Archery forefathers

They also won more medals in FITA and NAA competitions than other company. When Easton Aluminum bought the company in 1983 these changes came about: -an interior socket channel for adjusting the alignment of limbs -a vertically adjustable arrow support member to further aid in tuning the bow - synthetic foam core limbs -the first working recurve limb -radiused sight windows for better broadhead clearance -the AIM cable/string system -compound speed changer system .
             Hoyt, having been a leader of innovation and modern production methods, has been at the forefront as an archery equipment manufacturer. The old Hoyt policy of quality first, supersending productivity, has become the pledge of the new Hoyt USA. (1998 Hoyt Catalog/www.hoyt-usa.com) .
             PSE (Precision Shooting Equipment) was founded by Pete Shipley, who produced a new release aid and began selling it in 1970. He later produced plastic vanes to replace feathers for longer life and more durability. When he invented his first compound bow he introduced it at an Indiana tournament, and one week later he received orders for 200 more just like it. The orders would not stop coming in, and PSE was born. PSE is the only company of the first five companies that got liscensened under the Allen Patent still producing bows. In 1982 PSE moved from Mohomet, Illinois to Tucson, Arizona. Pioneering machined risers of solid aluminum and the four staged forging process to create strong, lightweight bows. With new designs like the Lightning One Cam, the Maxis HL eccentric on the Mach-Series and others. PSE also the RS Line of sights which are very popular with hunters and target shooters alike. .
             Mathews Inc.probably the most innovative design in all of archery! Matt McPhearson pioneered the single cam design, and now everyone has one. The new perimeter weighted MaxCam is probably the best eccentric ever patented. Presently Mathews' bows are on top of the market.

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