The imperial Chinese governments never engaged themselves in heavy handed censoring. (Silbergeld, 299) Maoist art censorship was much different then the ideal held by most of the means by which this art has been censored. While in the western world we see censorship as "hard- fisted bureaucrats who know only politics and little of art and who are readily identifiable by artists as outsiders and enemy intruders", (Silbergeld, 300) the idea of discipline as well as obligation and pride were built into the structure of art censorship in socialist china.
Much like Plato's Republic every citizen and occupant of the state has their own place, and if you want to be an artist, then you have to make that your place. In order to reach the "higher echelons" of china's art world the artist had to join an art association. (Silbergeld, 301) Membership was granted after careful scrutiny of ones art, social lifestyle, and political mindset. In this way only those with state beneficial intentions could become artists. The author of "Art Censorship in Socialist china: A Do It Yourself System" said that the other artists in this association were effectually "agents of the state". Once membership to one of these mass union organizations was gained, the artist is subjected to scrutiny of his work by his peers. He has an obligation to paint what he knows is beautiful to the entire group. Therefore the entire group works as a vehicle of cultural censorship. .
This for of censorship was able to be successful because of the Chinese background of Confucianism that denied most Chinese laymen individuality. (Silbrgeld, 300) Mao Zedong Also saw the importance of art to revolution. According to Writer Jerome Silbergeld, Chairmen Mao once said that "revolutionary literature and art are part of the whole revolutionary cause, they are the cogs and wheels in it." (Silbergeld, 300) It is apparent than, that Mao Zedong knew the importance of art to not only aid his revolution, but the revolution of any other against him.