It was also a capitalist country where all business and property was owned by individuals and not by the government. America also believed in the people's liberty where their rights were protected and the government didn't interfere in people's lives.
Russia, on the other hand was completely the opposite. It was run by dictators, where you could only vote for the communist party. One person, one party, one choice. People were manipulated and suppressed. Obviously Russia was communist, where all business and property were owned by the government, putting more money into the government. People's lives were controlled because the government believed that the state was more important than the individuals in it.
Each country was under the impression that their way was the best way, and both were quite suspicious of each other. "America was worried that Russia was trying to spread communism throughout Europe and the rest of the world: Russia believed that the capitalist countries wanted to undermine communism in the Russia.""4. But these two power blocks were allies during World War II, so was it political systems alone that caused the "Cold War-?.
Obviously there was more to it than this. "Differences arose between the Soviet Union and the United States and the other Western Allies almost from the beginning of their alliance. One disagreement concerned the important issue of distribution of weapons and supplies-.5.( George C. McGhee, 1997, pg3). Also, during World War II, Russia drove lots of the Nazi influence out of Eastern Europe, and therefore was occupying that land. This made the west feel understandably threatened and they were scared that Russia's leader at that time, Stalin, might bring his communism influence to their part of Europe. But Stalin had another idea. He was convinced that the West had somehow delayed their attack on Europe, which left Russia to become weaker. So both sides were suspicious of each other and their intentions.