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Odysseus a Strong Man or Just Supported by Gods

The interference by Athena shows how much she likes Odysseus and how much she wants him to make it home to the suitors. In Book VIII, King Alkinoos is intent on helping Odysseus on his journey, so he holds a special meeting. During this meeting there is competition to entertain Odysseus. After Odysseus declines competition, as he is maturer in his older years, he is insulted by one of the king's men. ""The reason being, as I see it, friend, you never learned a sport, and have no skill in any of the contests of fighting men" (Book 8). Odysseus then steps up and breaks the record for throwing a disc. "Anyone else for an edge for competition try me now" (Book 8). This shows a common characteristic of men today, we just can't turn down a challenge. Although I cannot blame him there are only so many ways he can show and prove his greatness to others. In Book 9, Odysseus does battle with a popular Greek Mythology creature the Cyclopes. Here Odysseus shows us how cunning he can be. While trapped Odysseus really fears that he will never see that homeland of Ithaca ever again. He is very mournful and we see just how much he misses home. He finally realizes how to escape from the Cyclops. He stabs the Cyclops in his only eye blinding him. He then tells the monster his name is Nobody. When all the Cyclopes friends here him screaming they open his door to see what happened, then Odysseus and his men escape. The Cyclops yells to his friends, "Nohbdy, Nohbdy tricked me, Nohbdy's ruined me" (Book 9). With this, he gets no help and Odysseus is free. Upon leaving the island Odysseus can't help but to rub in the fact that a mere mortal conquered a Cyclopes. He yells to the creature his name. Obviously Odysseus did not know that Poseidon was the Cyclopes father. This now will hurt Odysseus, as Poseidon will seek revenge. Odysseus is again close to his arriving home when one of his crew members betrays his wishes.

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