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Brave new world

            Sexual promiscuity has always been looked down upon in the past.
             are being swayed in the opposite direction. Not only is sexual promiscuity becoming a new fad, .
             it is actually thought of as the "cool" thing to do. In Brave New World by Aldous Huxley, .
             Huxley world is filled with promiscuity. In fact, it is frowned upon to have a monogamous .
             relationship. "Four months of Henry Foster, without having another man-why, he"d be furious .
             if he knew."(41). In our world, more and more people are cheating on their partners. Whether .
             they are just dating or even if they"re married, more and more people continue to explore their .
             sexuality with other people. And if that was not bad enough already, it seems as though the ones .
             that are doing the cheating are praised for their immoral ways. When men go out with more than .
             one women at once in the same period of time, they are typed as "players". Being a "player" is .
             what every guy wants to be considered as because it is considered "cool". However, it is not the .
             same for women. While men are praised for having non-monogamous relationships, if a woman .
             is to do the same, it is looked upon in shame. That woman is now stereotyped as a "sl*t". It isn't .
             fair but that is the way it works. Huxley has eliminated this problem by making it a rule to have .
             non-monogamous relationships. "Every one belongs to everyone else, after all."(47). This seems .
             to be the motto for relationships in Brave New World. What was once considered to be immoral .
             and wrong in the past is now considered as the thing to be doing, just like in Brave New World.

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