Ben Johnson had tested positive for steroid use. The Canadian sports establishment was scandalized. Johnson lost millions in endorsements and sponsorship fees and he was suspended from competition for two years. .
Charlie Francis, his Canadian Olympic track coach told him that a sprinter couldn't hope to go world class without steroids. Johnson, like many of his competitors, began using steroids six years before his stunning victory. The fateful dose was administered by Dr. Jamie Astaphan, his team doctor.
doctor supposedly warned Johnson and his coach that Ben could test positive at the Games as a result and asked for $1 million, blackmailing them. Ben's coach did nothing and allowed him to compete. Although Ben knew that he used steroids, he trusted his coaches and medical advisor, which proved to be a fatal mistake. .
This was not the end. .
Imagine this controversy in ancient Greece, where the Olympics started. The aim of the Olympics was to see who was best at running, wrestling, boxing, and chariot racing. People were not competing to see who can run the fastest with the aid of steroids. What has happened? What is the purpose competing to be the best if when one is not using their own natural ability? One would be lying, not only to the spectators, not only to your fellow competitors but to yourself as well. There is no true honour in winning, when the credit does not go to the athlete but to the steroids one has taken. The issue of doping causes the Olympics to be a dodgy event, since spectators do not know when an athlete has taken steroids. Are they watching the athlete compete with their own strength or are some drugs working in them? .
Money money money- yes, we know the whole world revolves around money. However, the games do not. As a result of the Big issue mentioned in the previous paragraph, the media were following every moment in the games and the debate about doping. .
IN 776 B.C, the Olympics was a religious gathering to celebrate the gods worshipped in common by all Hellenes, primarily Zeus.