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Huck vs Holden

             The Call to Adventure is the first step in the Cosmogonic Cycle, it is the step.
             at which the character or hero is brought into cycle.
             The Threshold Crossing is the second step, it is the place or the person.
             that which the character crosses over or through into the Zone Unknown. The.
             Zone Unknown being the place where the journey takes place. The threshold.
             crossing is often associated with a character change or an appearance change.
             An example of this is in The Wizard of Oz, when the movie goes from black and.
             white to color, showing a visual symbolic death. A symbolic death is another.
             part to the Cosmogonic Cycle of which the character goes through a change and.
             emerges a more complete person or more experienced. In The Adventures of Huck.
             Finn, a symbolic death is very apparent during the scene in which Huck sets up.
             his father's cabin to look like Huck was brutally murder. Huck emerges as a.
             runway child and now must be careful of what he does, so that he does not get.
             caught. Huck also tells people false aliases for himself so that no one knows.
             his true identity. Every time that he does this he is symbolically dying and.
             reemerges a more experienced person. In The Catcher In The Rye, Holden also.
             uses fake names, but Holden symbolically dies through fainting, changing the.
             position of his red hunting hat, and is associated with bathrooms. The bathroom.
             motif, or the reoccurring appearance of a bathroom, symbolizes death for Holden.
             because he enters bathrooms with a neurotic and pragmatic frame of mind and.
             exits with a cleared mind. The use of symbolic death and motifs is associated.
             with the Threshold Crossing, the second step of the Cosmogonic Cycle.
             The Road of Trials is the next step in the Cosmogonic Cycle, which are the.
             obstacles which the character faces throughout the literary work. In The.
             Adventures of Huck Finn, Huck's Road of Trials occurs on the Mississippi River.
             He faces many obstacles, including moral decisions of right and wrong, dealing.

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