Legalization of Marijuana .
I"m here today to talk to you about a very disputed .
issue: legalizing Marijuana. Although it may seem like an easily decidable issue, it isn't .
for some people. Jim Thacker was a 49 year old man suffering from Melanoma" and .
receiving Chemo Therapy treatment. He was in constant pain day in and day out, but .
wouldn't accept oxy contin prescriptions, because he didn't want to get addicted. Then .
his doctor recommended Marijuana treatment. Completely unadicting, relaxing, and just .
as potent, if not more so than Oxy Contin. Two months later Mr. Thacker's doctor was .
arrested for prescribing Marijuana to a patient, later, Mr. Thacker himself was arrested .
for the illegal possession of Marijuana. Has our Country become so demoralized that it .
wont even allow a person to relieve their suffering? The Nation, it seems has become .
more concerned with it's so-called "drug war" than Mr. Thacker's suffering.
The nations drug war might sound beneficial, but in truth, it hasn't really helped .
our nation's drug problem. In fact Marijuana use has increased from 1990 to 2000. In .
1990 an estimated two out of ten people had been using Marijuana. In 2000 that number .
had increased to an estimated four out of ten people in use of Marijuana. Today six Out .
of every eighteen Americans have tried Marijuana. That's about 50 million people. This .
proves the drug war just hasn't been helping. Therefore, what might happen when .
Marijuana is legalized? Logically we could assume that the people who have always been .
using it will keep using it., and although there may be an initial increase in it's use, the .
number of people using it will gradually decrease as people get used to Marijuana and it .
becomes an every day thing.