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annalasis of the novel Rebecca by Daphne DuMaurier

             The novel Rebecca portrays marriage as being based on society's expectations rather than love. This is done through the generic convention of character construction. The two wives of Maxim De Winter are used as complete opposites. Rebecca, Maxim's first wife, was accepted in society while the narrator, Maxim's second wife, was not. The narrator is described as being childlike and very nave on the ways of the world. She is also plays the stereotypical wife role. For example, when Maxim went to London after they were first married, the narrator stays at home and worries for him. She also rarely takes part in any outdoor physical activities such as horse riding or shooting. In the period that this novel was written women were given more and more equal opportunities although the narrator is content to stay indoors and do her sketching. Society expects her to break away from that. Rebecca on the other hand described as being very outgoing and full of confidence. She is used as a complete opposite to the narrator. The reader understands that the people of society adored her. She did outdoor activities such as shooting, hoarse riding and sailing. Rebecca also organized the Manderley ball and she was perfect in society's eyes because she had beauty, brains and breeding' which were considered the most important aspects in a woman. The reader discovers later in the novel that Maxim did not love her, in fact he hated her (pg 284). He also discusses the reason he'd never divorce Rebecca, he says "She knew I would sacrifice pride, honor and personal feelings, every damned quality on earth, rather than stand before our little world after a week of marriage and have them know the things about her that she told me then. She knew I would never stand in a divorce court and give her away, have fingers pointed at us, mud flung at us in the newspapers, all the people who belong down here whispering when my name was mentioned - (pg 285-286).

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