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Aversion essay

             Aversion Essay.
             This essay is about classical and operant conditioning as well as observational learning and memory strength in my life.
             I will start with my taste aversion experience. This happened when I was about seven years old at a restraunt in my home state of Tennessee. I was told to try ochra because it was good so I tried some not knowing what to expect but if my family liked it then it must have been good. Well I tried it and it tasted really bad and I ended up choking on it. I decided from that point on that I did not want to try ochra again. Now the smell of it or the sight of it makes me feel slightly sick because it reminds me of that one time when I was a little kid.
             I have had numerous emotional responses to music in my life. Its hard for me to pick one because music is such a big part of my life. I think one of the most memorable moments I have ever had with music was when I was going out with this girl one year in school and found out she was was cheating on me. I went home and put on a band called Psychotica to help me deal with the issue at hand. They have a song called "The Sleep" which is an all instrumental with piano and cello played in minor keys. I heard this song plenty of times but for that night it was like the first time. The music was sounding like what I was feeling. To this day I can still listen to that song and the only thing I think about is what happened that day at school.
             My father does civil war re-enactment's back home and has done it as long as I can remember. I grew up around all of it and all of the people and of course guns were a part of the civil war. I remember when they used to clean the guns outside and I could smell black powder all the time and it used to make me sick at first but after awhile it didn't bother me. Now it doesn't matter where I am at or what I am doing when I smell black powder I think of my dad and the rest of the guys doing their re-enactment stuff.

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