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Understanding of the journey

The poem shows the human triumph over adversity in a difficult journey. A journey is often involuntary, and is only made to escape from death and misfortune.
             David Moore has also captured the emotions of immigrants at the end of the trip as they arrive by ship to their new home in the famous photograph "Immigrants arriving Sydney 1966". It is a moving portrait that shows the rewards attained at the end of the journey can only be appreciated through the various challenges in the journey. It captures the hopes and fears of people spanning several generations as they look beyond the photographer to their promised land. Many of the emotions displayed in the photograph are also depicted in crossing the red sea as there is a general sense of optimism, but also anxiety. The dark coloured background suggests that the dark past is behind them and that a new journey into a new life is ahead of them. The old woman next to the child represents the coming together of the past and the future - the end of one journey and the beginning of another. The settings of the photograph with not centre points mean that each person and their expression are just as important as they hold onto the rails for support in an unknown environment. In Skrzynecki's poem and Moore's photograph two similar journeys are portrayed. The physical journey is not a vacation but a journey forced onto them out of necessity because their homeland was a place where survival was uncertain and that their idea of a better life was no more than a job, shelter and food for the family. Without facing the emotion and intellectual challenges in a physical journey, the immigrants would not be able to appreciate the rewards attained at their destination.
             At the end of a long sea trip, immigrants are often taken to Central Station to be transported to their temporary homes. In the very depressing poem "Immigrants at Central Station", Skrzynecki shoes that a journey never ends by presenting a frozen image in an overcrowded train station where the new arrivals remember the bleak memories of the Holocaust.

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