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Darwins Dilemma

             Section 13-2 Outline.
             I)Evidence in Stone.
             A)People used to think that the Earth was only a few thousand years old.
             B)They also believed that the Earth had remained unchanged over this time.
             C)It was also believed that rocks and major geological features had been produced suddenly.
             D)In the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries scientists said that Earth was old.
             1)They also said that earth was formed slowly over time.
             2)These scientists had influenced Darwin's work.
             E)James Hutton proposed that rocks, mountains, and valleys had been gradually changed by natural forces.
             1)He said that because these natural forces acted slowly, that the earth had to be very old.
             F)In 1830 Charles Lyell agreed that the Earth had been changed over time.
             1)He also said that scientists must explain past events in terms of events and processes that can be observed today.
             G)Evidence proved that the land is constantly moving and shifting.
             H)Other scientists found evidence that life on Earth had also changed over time.
             1)Geologists had discovered fossils.
             2)Some resembled organisms still alive and others didn't.
             II)The Geologic Time Scale: A Clock in the Rocks.
             A)Both biologists and geologists date the Earth's past with rocks.
             B)They discovered that certain layers of rock often appeared in the same vertical order.
             C)The position of the layers relative to each other determines their age.
             D)Fossils found in lower layers are older than fossils found in layers above them.
             E)Relative dating is a technique that is used by scientists to determine the age of fossils relative to fossils in different layers of rock.
             1)Because you don't know the amount of time it took for layers to form you don't know the age of the fossils.
             III)Radioactive Dating.
             A)Radioactive elements decay or break down into non-radioactive elements at a very steady rate.
             1)Scientists measure this rate of decay in a unit called a half-life.
             2)A half-life is the length of time required for a radioactive element to have one half of its atoms in a sample decayed.

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