In the different counties of Nevada there are typical old western whorehouses that carry the name brothels or cathouses. These brothels are homes to legal prostitution. The way these brothels work is quite interesting according to columnist, Justin Baylor who explains somewhat how these brothels work: .
" there is no kissing on the mouth, and oral sex and intercourse MUST be done with a condom. This is, of course, for the sake of safety. You are not supposed to be able to go down on a girl, either. If you did, it would probably be ok, since these girls are inspected by a state-certified doctor twice per week (samples taken and everything!). I would strongly recommend that you bring cash if you want to remain anonymous. They do accept Visa and MasterCard and the charge will appear on your statement, I was told. They also accept traveler's checks (no personal checks), but require a driver's license or some other proof of identification. So cash is the only real way to remain totally you really should tip with cash anyway and this is highly recommended since these girls work for 3 weeks and then take off 2 weeks, as a general rule (
Baylor explains how his own personal experience taught him about the routines of these brothels or cathouses in the outer skirts of the Las Vegas area of Nevada. And in reading the entire article Baylor made legal prostitution seem like a fun and exciting way for a woman to make a living. All the safety aspects committed to safe sex in these brothels cohered me to believe that the only way these women were being disgraced or just downright wrong was in the ability of how their personality could turn the customer off. Johnny Johnson also presented a compelling argument off why these brothels in Nevada were the best, and safest way to go with legal prostitution. .
Numerous amounts of people believe legal prostitution is wrong, but they might not understand how their belief is forcing women into illegal prostitution.