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The Two Great Floods

This upset Yahweh so much that he had to .
             eradicate the entire species of man. His sadness is made apparent in Genesis:.
             "When Yahweh saw how great was human wickedness on earth and how all man's imagination and thoughts were bent on evil, Yahweh was sorry that he had ever made mankind."(OT 12).
             this showed how serious Yahweh was in his intentions. Such a kind and benevolent God being .
             forced to this extreme. The quote makes Yahweh's sadness completely apparent.
             Yahweh, as the kind Lord he was, came to a decision to save those he knew were righteous .
             and good to him. He came to a man: "He was an honest and blameless man in that degenerate age, .
             walking with God." And this was Noah, one of the final men who still lived a life to God's liking. .
             This is why he was chosen to save humanity. So Yahweh came to Noah and told him of his decision:.
             ""I have made up my mind to obliterate all flesh from the earth. The world is full of violence and because of it. I shall destroy it and the earth as well. I want you therefore to build an ark of cedar wood, with rooms in the ark. Seal it with pitch inside and out. Make the ark to these dimensions: four hundred and fifty feet long, seventy-five feet wide, and forty-five feet high. Make a skylight all around, a foot and a half from the top. Set a door inside the ark opening onto a first, second, and third deck. . . . Look to it now, for I mean to flood the world and destroy every living creature under heaven.""(OT 12).
             Yahweh goes on to tell Noah to bring two of each animal and Noah's family on board. Yahweh does .
             this so he may attempt to make the world again after the flood waters recede. So all of his original .
             Page 3.
             efforts were not in vain. It seems a little harsh to destroy all of creation for the problems a few of .
             them posses, but alas Yahweh had made up his mind and all Noah could do was obey for he was .
             loyal to God unlike many of his fellow man. He was rewarded with the capability to start a new life .

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