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             their dissatisfaction. Generally Subcultures oppose mainstream norms and .
             illustrate their disaffection by reacting in the opposite of what is expected. .
             Subcultures such as the punk, hip hop and Rastafarian culture clearly illustrate .
             through their societies norms through many different forms. Fashion being one .
             of the important ways to express themselves. It is important because society .
             can clearly see that people are rebelling against them. We can visually identify .
             each .
             characteristic of certain subcultures. The dominant society is somewhat .
             forced to see or take notice to the fact that a group of people oppose their .
             norms, refuse to except their way of life and wish to be heard.
             In reference to the punk subculture, one meaning found in the rebellion and .
             expression of this subculture is explained by Dick Hebdige. (" Despite the fact .
             that they are a subculture and want to be held as entity outside of the .
             mainstream, they are doing it in such a way to draw attention to themselves, .
             to allow for their voice to be heard. This can be interpreted as a way of .
             proving their existence, that by acknowledged for either good or bad, they get .
             noticed and what they say gets heard".) (Hebdige,Hiding in the light).
             Rap lyrics in the hip hop sub culture are about the problems rappers have .
             seen, such as poverty, crime, violence, racism, poor living conditions, drugs, .
             alcoholism, corruption, and prostitution. These are serious problems that .
             many within the rap subculture believe are being ignored by mainstream .
             America. Those within the rap subculture recognize and acknowledge that .
             these problems exist. Those within this subculture consider the other group to .
             be those people who do not understand rap music and the message rap .
             artists are trying to send. The suppresser, or opposition, is the dominant .
             culture, because it ignores these problems and perhaps even acts as a .
             catalyst for some of them. Those within this subculture consider the other .

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