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             Others, mostly believers in Islam, see purdah as a very positive and respectful practice that actually liberates women. It is viewed as liberating because it brings about an aura of respect. Women are looked at as individuals who are judged not by their physical beauty but by their inner beauty and mind. By covering themselves, women are not looked at as sex objects that can be dominated. For the Muslims, purdah is an act of faith that entails the acts of honor, respect, and dignity. Islam exalts the status of women by commanding that women should enjoy equal rights with men and remain on the same footing as them. When a woman covers herself she places herself on a higher level and allows men to see and respect her for her intellect, faith, and personality. The physical person is to play no role in social interaction.
             The role of purdah in any culture has become more controversial since the rise of the women's movement. Purdah has almost disappeared in the Hindu practice and is practiced to greater and lesser degrees in many of the Islamic countries. Either way the practice of purdah is looked at, whether in a negative or positive light, it stills remains an integral part of everyday life for some peoples and marks a part of their culture.
             I think that tradition is a very big obstacle for women in the Middle East - tradition has been a big obstacle for women around the world. I also think that tradition tends to be much stronger and much more constraining for women in the Middle East. Tradition is very powerful and not all bad but when it really constrains what women can do and hurts the fabric of a country then it becomes an important issue. I also think that tradition today has become much harder for a woman to follow and this is because of western influence. The western traditions such as those in the United States affect the women as they see the way that they are being treated.

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