If you are lacking in these skills educate yourself and learn the right skills to move ahead in your profession. Many times women do nothing for themselves expecting the system to work for them. Hard work and dedication will only take you so far in today's competitive work environment. Many times women are passed over for promotions because they are not perceived as aggressive enough. .
Men are often seen as overbearing and women are often the targets of their actions. According to Bowdish (1995, p.1), men often say, "I can do anything I want without repercussions." This seems to be the attitude of many organizations around the world that are not held accountable for their actions. .
Personality traits of women are often viewed as the nice girl image, but the ability to interact and work with others is only half the game. Women need to take a leading role in the ability to get their point across. Sometimes women will have to adapt to a nontraditional role of being the first to speak or the one to bring up the cost saving ideas in the workplace. Instead of the males in their working environment, it is all a part of being noticed and not being passed up due to not being aggressive enough. .
Opportunities are out there for the women of today but women have to make these opportunities work for them. In any organization you have to make yourself known, do not be invisible by staying in the back and not speaking up. Be aggressive and voice your opinion when appropriate, do your research and know what you are talking about.
In order for women to be taken seriously, they need to be serious about making change and take an active role in shaping their future. Let us look at one point in general, men have always had the money and women have always depended on the income of the man to get the things they needed or wanted. Even necessities of life such as food and clothing for the children, historically women have been dependent on the opposite sex.