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Trauma in Pregnancy

             8 42 Hot food DM + HTN 23 Second Skin graft PND .
             9 25 Gas explosion 23 Third Skin graft CS NHB .
             10 37 Gas explosion 25 Third Skin graft CS NHB .
             11 28 Gas explosion 25 Third Skin graft CS NHB .
             12 31 Gas explosion Inhalation 28 Third Skin graft PND .
             13 35 Hot water Epileptic 28 Second Skin graft PND .
             14 27 Gas explosion 30 Third Skin graft PND .
             15 26 Gas explosion Inhalation 30 Third Skin graft PND .
             TBSA: Total burned surface area; DM: Diabetes mellitus; HT: Hypertension; CS: Caesarean section; PND: Perinatal death (stillbirth & first-week deaths); NHB: Normal healthy baby; VD: Vaginal delivery. .
             Table II - Findings and overall outcome of cases with moderate injuries.
             two to inhalation injury and respiratory complications, and two to renal failure. Three miscarriages and five perinatal deaths were encountered among these severely injured patients.
             No. Age (yr) Cause associated factors TBSA (%) Gestation trimester Patient outcome Pregnancy outcome .
             1 31 Gas explosion 32 Second Skin graft PND .
             2 48 Gas explosion DM 35 Second Died PND .
             3 33 Gas explosion 40 Second Died PND .
             4 29 Gas explosion 45 Second Died PND .
             5 36 Gas explosion inhalation 50 Third Died PND .
             6 24 Ignition of clothing * inhalation 60 First Died Abortion .
             7 25 Ignition of clothing * Inhalation 70 First Died Abortion .
             8 21 Ignition of clothing * Inhalation 85 First Died Abortion .
             TBSA : Total burned surface area; DM : Diabetes mellitus; PND: Perinatal death (stillbirth & first-week deaths); * Suicidal cases with psychosocial problems .
             Table III - Findings and overall outcome of cases with major injuries.
             Above research table: http://www.medbc.com/meditline/articles/vol_5/num_1/010/text/vol5n1p010.asp.
             Pre-hospital considerations:.
             Considerations and treatments should be the same as if a non-pregnant female. .
             Fluid replacement should consider the added body mass of the pregnant female and transport options should be evaluated.

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