can only be achieved based on standards, values, and morals in society. .
It can be assumed that business life has to be called 'moral' as well. As in society,standards and values are spontaneously formed once people come together, start 'behaving', likewise, business life becomes the same, and that is when morals come into effect. Businesses in general are working based on an ethics that settles different .
interests. For one-example authors Garrett and Klonoski (1986), mention an important .
relationship in business relation to the premise of ethics: "The relationship of the buyer .
and the seller is crucial in economics, law, and ethics. Some view the relationship as one .
in which the customer is a pigeon and the seller a villain. " 1 The standards and values .
within companies can be characterized as mutual respect. It is because of this that it is in .
everyone's interest to form a buyer/seller relationship, .
Forming a relationship such as this is crucial as the ethics are passed down and .
filtered to a group of stakeholders who have an interest in the company. These parties .
usually are: personnel, customers, suppliers, subcontractors, shareholders, society, and .
those who speak on behalf of the environment and future generations. Many ethicists say .
there's always a right thing to do based on moral principle, and others believe the right .
thing to do depends on the situation, ultimately it's up to the individual on what they do .
and on what they believe to be the right thing is. Sometimes the right thing is not necessarily the best thing to do. .
Ethics as Law and Values .
Many philosophers consider ethics to be the science of conduct. Many professionals in ethics say that new ethical beliefs are state of the art legal matters, and that what becomes an ethical issue of today is then later made into a law. A prime example of this was evident in the U.S. Department of Commerce as, " last week issued a set of business-ethics guidelines that it hopes will restore confidence in the U.