" Until there is a significant change, the streets of Canada's larger cities will continue to supply call girls. Essentially, the government's purpose in regard to prostitution is to keep it off the streets and out of the public eye. The predominant opinion in Western society is that all prostitution hurts women, and the growing opinion is that the problems of prostitution are not problems of social morality, but problems of social order, and accepting prostitution is the quickest way to control it. In spite of this, the Wolfenden Report stated that as long as there is the demand and people whom choose to partake in acts in the company of prostitutes; "no amount of legislation directed towards its abolition will abolish it". .
Victim-less crimes are crimes in which there is no victim; or, perhaps, nobody who regards herself or himself as a victim. Individuals should have the right to personal determination, for there is no criminal sanction for attempting suicide or for injuring oneself and, by any means the arguments for criminalizing others who injure someone with his or her consent; these should not affect a person's liberty to engage in sex. In addition, when the laws are enforced against ethnic minority members, the middle and upper class members gain power and feel that the law is protecting them and serving its true purpose, because it supports the myth that the lower class individuals are the ones who ostracize themselves from a norm or from the accepted standards of society. It would be naive to suggest that legalization would immediately lead to the disappearance of all prostitution crime; a cautious approach to decriminalization might bring some reduction in crime, and reductions in tension between the police and certain groups in society. There are people who believe indulgence in sexual pleasure is as good a life as any other, therefore society should find nothing offensive of the practice of it in public or in private.