The Ritz-Carlton Hotel Company manages 36 luxury hotels in North America, Europe, Asia, Australia, the Middle East, Africa, and the Caribbean. All have received four- or five-star ratings from the Mobil Travel Guide and diamond ratings from the American.
At every level, The Ritz-Carlton is detail-oriented. Steps for all quality-improvement and problem-solving procedures are documented, methods of data collection and analysis are reviewed by third-party experts, and standards are established for all processes. Key processes also are dissected to identify points at which errors may occur. For example, to meet its goal of total elimination of problems, The Ritz-Carlton has determined that there are 970 potential instances for a problem to arise during inter-actions with overnight guests and 1,071 such instances during interactions with meeting event planners.
To cultivate customer loyalty, The Ritz-Carlton has instituted an approach of "customer customization," which relies on extensive data gathering and capitalizes on the capabilities of advanced information technology. Information gathered during various types of customer contacts, such as responses to service requests by overnight guests or post-event reviews conducted with meeting planners, are systematically entered into a database, which holds almost a million files. Accessible to all Ritz-Carlton hotels worldwide, the database enables hotel staff to anticipate needs of returning guests and to initiate steps that will help to ensure a high-quality experience.
This attention to detail and the company's commitment to continuous improvement is delivering benefits. For example, in 1998, more than 80 percent of meeting planners reported that they were extremely satisfied with their overall experience up from fewer than 70 percent a year earlier and 99 percent said they were satisfied. Among overnight guests questioned in an independent survey, nearly 75 percent reported extreme satisfaction with their overall experience at The Ritz-Carlton, as compared with fewer than 70 percent for the nearest competitor's guests.
Today, learning makes the critical difference among organizations. Learning can hardly be described as a new characteristic of organizations. Organizational learning is as old as organizations themselves. ... At the heart of learning organization stands the belief that enormous human potential lies locked, undeveloped in the organizations. ... Learning Organization, defines the learning organization as the organization " in which you cannot not learn because learning is so insinuated into the fabric of life-. ...
Today, learning makes the critical difference among organizations. Learning can hardly be described as a new characteristic of organizations. Organizational learning is as old as organizations themselves. ... At the heart of learning organization stands the belief that enormous human potential lies locked, undeveloped in the organizations. ... Learning Organization, defines the learning organization as the organization " in which you cannot not learn because learning is so insinuated into the fabric of life-. ...
Strategic planning requires organization leaders to consider the implications certain business factors will have on their organizations effectiveness, and ultimately, the organizations sustainability (Gelfand, Leslie, Keller, and de Dreu, 2012). ... These core values are at the center of the organizations operations and organizational culture. ... One Year Veteran Employee The third respondent, a one year veteran of the organization had mixed reviews about the organization. ... Conclusion Organizational effectiveness is paramount to organizational sustainability. ... To assess effectivenes...
In 2012, the organization reached totally 45 million children. The basic aim of the organization has been to supply children with survival for life in a healthy way till today. [ CITATION Sav152 l 1055 ] As for the funding of the organization, there are both recipients and partner organizations donating monthly for "Save the Children". ... This annual budget of the organization supplied by the other grant recipients and the partner organizations. ... The organization has 29 members of the Alliance Board. ... The organization is actively working in 120 countries and in the United S...
These sorts of trends mostly involve efforts by hotel organizations to improve their profitably. In this research paper, a discussion will be carried out about the current trends which are apparent in hotel organizations. ... These hotel organizations recognize that advanced technology in the form of information systems, for example, help improve the efficiency of the entire processes in the organization by improving cost control, by helping the management devise more effective and efficient marketing strategies as well as bringing about new opportunities of these organizations (Law and Jogara...
Regional Organizations Across the globe there are many regional or international organizations. ... Regional organizations are important in that they will help the member states economically by eliminating the barriers to trade and increase the flow of goods and services within the organization. ... The Organization of American States (OAS) is just one of many regional organizations. The OAS is also the oldest regional organization in the world. ... In 1910, this organization changed its name to the Pan American Union. ...
Organizational justice and proposition of politics is an important technique which rides to the victory and success of the organizations. ... The organization justice in an organization serves the employees to work for them longtime, give creative ideas and use the knowledge for the betterment of the organization; in return organization promotes their employees and creates strongand long-term relationship with the organization. Productive employees work hard in the organization to achieve the organization's goals and objectives, [CITATION Car05 l 1033]. ... PoliticalProposition of Organ...
In short, organizational behavior is the study of behavior within a business oriented organization. ... Understanding issues in an organization is one of the main tasks in organizational behavior. ... Role of Leadership in an Organization Leadership is the backbone of any organization. The success of the organization and its functioning depends heavily on the quality of the leaders in an organization. Leaders can motivate the workforce; face the challenges of organization, ensuring the effective transition that may be needed in the organization, and successfully meet organizational goals. ...
The intent of this paper is to examine the relationship and interdependencies between ethical leadership practices and organizational assessment. It addresses reasons why leaders are required to serve as important role models in influencing and advocating ethical norms of behavior within their organizations. ... Doing well by doing good involves active participation in organization activities that result in outcomes of benefit to all stakeholders. ... Organization Assessment The concept of social learning examines how leaders influence their followers using role modelling processes as a tool t...