This three-day feast, which was celebrated outside, there was probably singing, dancing, and games. Many people look at this day as the start of an American tradition. In 1630 prayer and giving thanks was added to this holiday when settlers from all over the world brought their customs and ideas together and gave thanks. Since 1621 Thanksgiving has become a holiday that almost everyone in America celebrates. .
Throughout the years a unique holiday for Americans was created. In the beginning, like now, there are families, festivities, and giving thanks but throughout time cultural changes have occurred changing the original three-day feast to a one-day event. Today, looking at Thanksgiving structurally, there are several oppositions that can be seen. The first and the most obvious opposition of Thanksgiving is the people who celebrate: men and women. During the Thanksgiving holiday men and women have certain jobs they carry out. Women, mainly the older women in the family, go to the store to buy all the food, cook everything and clean up the house for visitors. While women are worrying about getting everything ready for the big feast, men are not doing anything. This is a day for men to play football and drink beer. During my Thanksgiving I noticed several differences between the men, women and different age groups. In my family my grandmother cooks everything herself and everyone goes to her house for the big feast. When everyone got to her house I noticed where everyone was sitting while they were socializing. My two youngest cousins both brought dates. On two couches' they sat across from each other (boy-girl, boy-girl) talking until the food was ready. While the two couples were on the couches, the older family members were in the formal living room. My great grandmother, the oldest member of the family sat in the middle of a couch with two friends of the family on either side of her.