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Womens Suffrage in Britain

When in prison some went on hunger strike and had to be force-fed. This caused bad publicity therefore the Liberal Government's "cat and mouse act" was passed. The violent actions of the Suffragettes alarmed the Conservatives and attracted lots of publicity. They thought this would force the Government to give women the vote to cease their violence. But their actions made the Government more determined not to give women the vote because they wanted to show that they would not give in to violence as if they gave in to it, it might cause other people to use violence to get the Government to do what they want. I think this is one reason for the Suffragettes failure in getting the vote for women.
             The Queen (Victoria) did not agree with the women's campaign. This did not help the women as the Queen was a very influential at the time. Several New Zealand politicians came to Britain to speak for the women's cause as giving women the vote in New Zealand had been successful and met with an enthusiastic and peaceful response. This was also unsuccessful. Women had also tried to win the vote by demonstrating their interest and competence in Government through the local Government bodies for which they could vote and on which they could serve. The "votes for women" campaign was not seen as an important issue. The Government felt that other issues such as the Irish Nationalists "Home Rule" campaign and the dawning of war (First World War) were much more important. The outbreak of the war led women to set aside their campaign and concentrate on winning the war. Another important reason for women not getting the vote before 1914 was that women were viewed as second class citizens compared to men. They were not given as good an education and their wages were much less that men's, even for the same job. When a woman married she lost her rights and all her personal property e.g. money, jewels, clothes etc became her husbands property.

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