Linden quote uses perspective as an overview of time to gain a better interpretation of events in time. The next three definitions in the American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language closely relates to the first two but goes into further detail.
a. The relationship of aspects of a subject to each other and to a whole: a perspective of history; a need to view the problem in the proper perspective.
b. Subjective evaluation of relative significance; a point of view; the perspective of the displaced homemaker.
c. The ability to perceive things in their actual interrelations or comparative importance: tried to keep my perspective throughout the crisis.
The next definition of perspective relates to my graphic engineering class. The American Heritage Dictionary states, "[perspective] the appearance of an objects in depth as perceived by normal binocular vision." This sounds complicated but can be summarized as objects viewed in three dimensions, and this is also known as isometric perspective. An important skill in graphic engineering is to know how to draw objects in perspective. Thus, the manufacturer of the object can clearly see, in three dimension, what the object looks like.
In the artistic field, perspective has it's own definition. Webster's Dictionary gives this record on perspective. "[T]he art of drawing objects on a plane surface to give impression of the relative distance of objects. Indicated by the convergence of their receding lines." To simplify Webster's definition, perspective means taking what a person sees and putting it on paper by the use of horizon lines and vanishing points. There are two kinds of perspective drawings, one point perspective and two point perspective. One point perspective is used to draw objects in depth to a central point and is commonly used to draw hallways, down city streets, and anywhere else where a person my have a straight on view.