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Plastic Surgery

             seriously, a blood pocket under the skin could require drainage.
             Plastic surgery can be done anywhere, even on your eyelids! Blepharoplasty, or eyelid repair, .
             repairs drooping or sagging of the upper eyelids. Drooping eyelids usually come with age. .
             Some people are born with sagging eyelids, though. Also in some cases, the eyelids sag so low, .
             that they interfere with one's vision. The whole surgery takes approximately forty-five minutes. .
             In eyelid repair all the risks are usually temporary. Blurred vision, swelling, and white heads .
             around the area where the stitches were removed are some of the risks. Bleeding, infection, and .
             slowness to heal are also temporary risks.
             Mastectomy, or breast removal surgery, is another type of plastic surgery. This surgery .
             removes fatty tissue, some muscle, and skin. Most of the women that have this done have some .
             type of breast cancer.
             Another breast surgery is breast revision surgery. During this surgery, the breast is altered to .
             the size and shape the patient wants. Breast revision surgery can take up to six hours. Some of the .
             breast tissue is taken out, and the nipples may have to be highered or lowered during the .
             procedure. Skin may also be removed. In breast revision surgery, there are the risks of uneven .
             nipple position, large scars, the inability to breast feed, and sensory loss. Also, swelling of the .
             breasts may occur.
             Liposuction is a procedure to remove fat from the body. It is used to improve one's .
             appearance. Liposuction is not a cure for fatty tumors, obesity, or cellulite. It removes pockets of .
             fat and smoothes the lines of the body. Liposuction can be helpful to the chin, ankles, neck, upper .
             arm, cheeks, calves, breasts, knees, stomach, thighs, buttocks, and hips. Depending on the .

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