Did you know that plastic surgery dates all the way back to 2000 BC? As a punishment in .
ancient India, a person's nose would be amputated. When this happened, the Indian doctors had .
to reconstruct the nose. In 600 BC, Hindu doctors reconstructed hands and noses that had .
been cut off as a punishment for adultery. Modern plastic surgery methods originated after World .
War I. Plastic surgery benefits one's appearance, but its effects can be tremendous.
There are many types of surgery, and one of them is plastic surgery. According to the .
Webster's Dictionary, plastic surgery is the "branch of surgery, dealing with the remodeling of any .
portion of the human body that has been damaged or deformed." People get plastic surgery for .
many reason, including defects, restoration, and appearance.
One type of plastic surgery is rhinoplasty, or nose surgery. During this surgery, the shape of the .
nose is repaired or reshaped. Rhinoplasty can increase or reduce the size of the nose. The shape of .
the nasal bridge can be changed during this surgery. Rhinoplasty can narrow the nostrils or change .
the angle between the upper lip and the nose. It can also improve birth defects or nose injuries. .
Rhinoplasty can take up to two hours or sometimes longer. This surgery offers near perfection of .
the nose.
Rhytidectomy, or face lift, is another type of plastic surgery. A face lift can repair wrinkled .
skin and sagging or drooping of the neck and face. It can correct signs of aging, heredity, poor .
diet, obesity, or smoking. During surgery the muscles are tightened, and skin is "redraped."If a .
face lift is done, one should expect numbness, swelling, and bruising for ten to fourteen days .
after surgery. Also, there could be an injury to nerves that controls the muscles in the face. More .