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             There is some information concerning the story of Anastasia that most can concur upon and deem factual. Anastasia Romanov was the fourth daughter of Tsar Nicholas II of Russia. On the night of July 16, 1918 the Bolsheviks, who had taken charge in Russia during the second revolution, told the Romanovs to go down into the basement and line up. To get them to the cellar, the soldiers told the family that they would be taking a family portrait together before transferring to another house. With the royal family gathered, the guards opened fire upon them. Various people have said that some of the girls had diamonds sewn inside their clothing, to smuggle away, and that because of this the girls were not all killed in the first attempt. The executioners then bayoneted those that remained alive after the shooting. This is where the account vies off in different directions and grows into the myth that we are familiar with today.
             Although Moscow eventually admitted to the execution, its culture of secrecy left key questions, such as the location of the bodies, unanswered. Rumor and speculation stepped in to fill the void. This is one of the reasons that some of the myths originated. People have the tendency to need everything to fall into place and when things do not, they will fill in the blank spots with whatever will work. According to some, one reason for the enduring fascination is the immense impact of the tsar's execution. This was a huge event throughout not only Russia, but also the world and everyone wanted to know what had happened. With so many unanswered questions floating around, it was inevitable that people were going to start answering them even if they were uncertain of the truth. Another factor that has kept interest alive is simply morbid fascination. The horror of their deaths; the savagery of taking these people down into the cellar and massacring them and then keeping it a secret for so long has kept the story alive.

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