While the system-level analysis if a valid approach in determining the causes of the conflict in Iraq, the system-level analysis is used with state-level analysis and individual-level analysis to understand the causes of the current conflict in Iraq.
Second, the causes of the conflict in Iraq will be analyzed by state-level analysis. In general, individual states are the most important political actors on the world stage. While pressure may form within the state-level system, the important result is how the state decides to react in a time of conflict. Nationalism is an important factor in the analysis of the current conflict in Iraq through state-level analysis. With the recent terrorist attacks on the United States, President Bush has gathered strong support to protect the American homeland by any means necessary. When Saddam Hussein became a threat to the United States, according to President Bush, the current administration was able to justify its reasons in heading into Iraq. Another variable that effects the decisions to head into war is a nation's type of governmental system. The United States, a democratic government, directly collides with Iraq, an authoritarian government. The theory that exists is that democracies are at peace. With the cruel behaviors of Saddam Hussein being revealed, the Bush administration was able to make its decision to head into war without focusing on public opinion or interest groups. With President Bush being one of the strongest leaders in the state-level analysis, the Bush administration was able to carry out its plan of attack, albeit with several hindrances. .
Third, the causes of the conflict in Iraq will be analyzed by individual-level analysis. Individual-level analysis begins with the view that it is people who make policy. Therefore, understanding the human decision-making process will lead to understanding how international politics works.