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Poverty in germany

             Reunification did not produce a homogenous society. The east German part had the western system imposed without any significant discussion, with the consequence that people experienced a severe socio-economic structural crisis and difficult problems of adaptation.
             On the other hand, the west Germans did not escape. The enormous money transfer from west to east could only be managed with a great deal of belt tightening and big cut backs. It meant an enormous upheaval in social services, which concerned poor people in the west much more than east Germans, who could not as yet claim anything anyway. East Germans thus started with services that had already been severely cut back. This did not represent a gain of any kind.
             Unemployed people, families with many children, single parents, migrants, but also the working poor' were the losers: 14 per cent of all children, 30 per cent of all single parent households, 20 per cent of all families with 3 or more children as well as 18 per cent of all migrants were forced into poverty.
             The section of the population belonging to the working poor stood at 6.3 per cent in 1994 but had risen to 8.4 per cent by 1998. More working people had sunk into poverty than had been predicted. It is of course important to mention that many do not claim social benefit services at all, although they would be entitled to them. This increased proportion of poverty in west Germany stagnated at this level until the mid 90s. In the east, poverty rose from a very low level during the 90s. Willi Brandt's words after the breach of the Wall in 1989: "Now let what belongs together grow together- illustrates in a provocative fashion the unity and homogenity of the poor and of.
             poverty in Germany as a whole. It is no longer necessary to observe that poverty means more than not having money. The reality however, the sum of multiple deprivation in many other areas, is difficult to imagine for someone who has not experienced it themselves.

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