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             In the "Unfair Game" by Susan Jacoby, the author discusses the way women are treated by men. She finds the behavior insulting and aggravating. Susan Jacoby in the "Unfair Game" behaves too harshly and defensively. Susan mishandles situations and her sexist allegations towards men are unfair.
             As Susan and her friend were chatting in the Oak room at Plaza Hotel in New York City, their conversation was interrupted by an unknown young male saying "A good women is hard to find" (207). Unable to withstand the unwanted intruder, Susan requested the male to leave and he left very reluctantly. As he passed by, the male silently murmured "Good-bye bitch". Susan felt that she is being discriminated because she refused to participate in sexual flirtation (208). Many men assume that women are looking for a partner if women were to be seen with other young female or seen alone (208). Susan felt very upset because her conversation was interrupted by a man. He unknowingly assumed that they were looking for a mate, ignoring the importance of the women's conversations. In another occasion, during a flight trip, a sales executive had requested Susan to skip her work and spend time with him. This had deeply hurt Susan's feelings since the man assumed Susan's work was trivial. The man continued to persuade Susan, despite the fact that she strongly rejected his offer. Her main reason for being upset was because of the way men assume women's task as diminutive and show no politeness while interrupting their work. She feels the way men treat women is insulting.
             I had seen many situations where men invaded into women's tasks and made wrongful assumptions with out acknowledging importance of their current tasks. I strongly approve validity in Susan's arguments and recognize her concerns as one of the major social problem. Instead of being highly self defensive in the oak room, Susan should have been little more benevolent.

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