lConflict of interest would prevent government from pursuing particular interests Repeat slide. Remind students that this is how system is designed .
lWho thinks this is brilliant?.
Instrumental Self-interest.
• When an action is designed to help produce some outcome that is consistent with the individual's goals .
l This is what Madison had in mind .
lWhen an action is designed to help produce some outcome that is consistent with the individual's goals lthis is what Madison had in mind, this is what Madison assumed was the basis of human behavior. whether that person was the representative or the represented. l-- its a good assumption lexamples: I want a sail boat. I will save my pennies and get a sail boat. I want a pleasant, interesting, well-paying job. I go to school, study hard, get some experience and to what it takes to get what I want l Does instrumental self-interest explain my behavior? Would someone else observing my behavior find that self-interest provides a reasonable explaination for my behavior? This is how will evaluate Madison's Theory of the Republic -- we will ask- To what extent does instrumental self-interest explain the behavor of voters, interest groups, political parties, Members of Congress and the President.
Cost-benefit Self-interest.
• The cost-benefit concept is more complete than the instrumental concept. .
• It recognizes that individuals have many goals. .
• Self-interested individuals: minimize costs and maximize benefits.
lThe cost-benefit concept is more complete than the instrumental concept.
lIt recognizes that individuals have many goals. .
l Self-interested individuals: minimize costs and maximize benefits. .
» individuals weight the costs of achieving their goals .
»if the costs are greater that the anticipated benefit, the individual does not pursue the benefit.
lback to examples:.
I want a sail boat --does the fact that I do not have a sail-boat mean that I really don't want one?.