Communication between persons provides one way of seeking, avoiding and interpreting information that is relevant to changing one's level of uncertainty (Planalp & Honeycutt, 1985, p: 597). Uncertainty reduction theory, informs us the process that we go through during our first contact with new people. However, relational dialectics offers several methods after intimacy started. .
Baxter and Montgomery view relational dialectics as a perspective, which series of assumptions rather than theory or a hierarchical list of axioms and arguments. These two scholars have identified four key assumptions of a dialectical perspective: contradiction, change, praxis and totality (Canary & Zelley, 1999, p: 324). Uncertainty reduction theory instead of making assumptions, lists seven major axioms for predicting future events (Berger, 1986,p.36).
According to Baxter (1990), dialectical perspective assumes that interdependent, but opposing tensions or contradictions occur regularly within personal relationships, thus pulling people together and pushing them apart. Considerably, in order to have a contradiction, two opposite poles must exist, but the experience of both poles cannot occur simultaneously (p: 72). In the dialectical sense these opposite poles carries no negative association rather, these tensions are necessary within healthy relationships, because realization of each opposing pole is necessary to some degree. Persons within a relationship are said to experience three central contradictions: autonomy/ connectedness, openness/ closedness, and predictability/ novelty (p: 82).
In addition, the meaning and significance of uncertainty within a particular context may evoke multiple and potentially conflicting goals. Dialectical approach to studying personal relationships, Baxter and Montgomery criticized uncertainty reduction theory for focusing on desires for uncertainty reduction in isolation from countervailing desired for uncertainty maintenance.