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            In one corner stood a 6 foot 300 pound hulking giant that looked like the classic bar room brawler. In the other corner stood a 6 foot 4 inch 380 pound man, or something that could be mistaken as the Hulk. In any normal fight the scales would tip towards the bigger guy, but this isn't any normal fight. The ref yell's, "Let's get it on", and the mayhem begins. Quickly the larger man is taken straight to the ground from a barrage of punches and knees to the face that render him unconscious, this is no holds barred fighting.
             More popularly known as Ultimate Fighting in the United States, no holds barred fighting is exactly that. Once in the ring there are very few rules and almost anything is allowable. There are some exceptions such as eye gouging, fish hooks, biting and scratching, and attacks to the groin are illegal, but other than that everything stands. The main and only objective is to submit the other opponent either by knockout or verbal submission. And for the most part the fights usually end on the ground with the winner either punching or chocking his opponent until he "taps-out". Most of the time fights are held in octagon shaped cages, which was actually created by the director of the movie Conan: The Barbarian, with fences rather than a normal boxing ring that has ropes. This way the fighters can use the fence as a tool to aid in the desecration of their opponents. .
             NHB (no holds barred events have actually been around for quite some time now in other countries such as Brazil, Japan, and Holland. The Ultimate Fighting Championship was the first to bring NHB events to the attention of the American public. Since its introduction in 1993, the Ultimate Fighting Championship, also known as the UFC, has exploded onto the pay-per-view spot light and has attracted well over 300,000 viewers for each event. The matches typically staged by the UFC well exceed over one million dollars in production, this is far from a back yard wrestling match or freak show.

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