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Hills Like White Elephants

You know how I get when I worry," said the lover. This shows that he is very worried about being a father and the responsibilities that fatherhood brings.
             A second reason why the lover does not wish to have a child is that he is not prepared for the responsibilities of fatherhood. "We"ll be fine afterward, just like we where before" (Hem 648). In my mind the only thing that changes with a child is that the responsibilities of the parents drastically increases. For, parenthood requires many sacrifices which apparently the lover does not wish to make. In my mind he is a coward who cannot do the right thing and take the responsibilities of his actions. Due to his lack of manhood, he makes promises that if the baby is aborted everything will be back to normal. " I don't want anybody but you. I don't want any one else. And I know its perfectly simple" (Hem 650).
             A technique that the lover uses to try and pursued Jig into having an abortion is that the operation itself is fairly simple and causes no long-term effects. I don't think that any one could be any dumber then this. How can having a foreign object stuck up into a female's uterus be safe or natural, like the lover claims? Even if the operation is a success, there are many long-term emotional problems that are associated with females who have abortions. I don't know what kind of research the lover had done about abortions, I don't believe that is was too extensive. I also raise the question to the lover, of how can any operation be natural if it involves killing a baby?.
             I hold the belief that Jig is completely flabbergasted that the family she has been looking forward to having her whole entire life, is not going to happen because her lover does not want to have the child that is inside of her. I think that she is so emotionally distraught about her lover's feelings about having the child, that she starts to believe that her pregnancy, the child inside of her, is ruining her relationship with this guy, and her life.

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