" (Goldberg, 1974). The next group of surgeries is a form Muslims refer to as "sunna", it involves the cutting of the clitoral hood. The third and more radical form of female circumcision is known as excision or clitoridectomy. Under this procedure the entire clitoris and all part of the labia minoria is removed. The most extreme form of female genital surgeries is infibulation, which cuts the clitoris, labia minora and often the entire medial part of the labia majora. "The external sides of the vagina are then sewn together using catgut or thorns, leaving only a tiny opening for the passage of urine and menstrual blood. 15% to 30% of all girls who undergo this mutilation die from tetanus infection, shock, and uncontrolled hemorrhaging." (Hosken, 2001) There are many blood vessels in the clitoris, including the dorsal artery, so that when the clitoris is cut, young girls often bleed to death. Infibulation is practiced mostly in the Sudan, Somalia and Ethiopia; sunna, clitoridectomy and, to a lesser degree, infibulation are performed in other parts of Africa and parts of Asia.
Critics of the practice argue that the term "female circumcision" inappropriately mislabels the more extreme forms of female genital surgery, specifically, clitoridectomy and infibulations. Many of these critics use the phrase "female genital mutilation" to describe all forms of female genital surgeries, insisting that any irreversible removal of a healthy organ of tissue is mutilated.
The practice of female circumcision carries potential health risks and consequences. The actual number of deaths resulting from female circumcision is unavailable. Immediate health consequences may include shock, gangrene, and accidental damage to the urethra. More long term effects involved with female circumcision include scarring urinary tract infection, and infertility. Complication with childbirth are almost unavoidable for infibulated woman.