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European Legal Structures

             B. Executive Branch.
             -Power comes from Articles:.
             34-Lists the subject matter on which the legislature may legislate; civil rights, taxes and fundamental principles.
             37-States that matters not governed by laws may be treated by the executives authority to issue decrees.
             38-Allows that any matter the legislature has left unclear may be filled out by the president via the use of ordinances.
             -In France the President is the respected power of the nation, he is elected by the people and therefore may have his own agenda.
             -The PM is the top man in the presidents cabinet.
             -Administrative Courts.
             -Created as a result of the distrust of the courts.
             -Administrative Acts; deals w/disputes between agencies, certain constitutional issues and executive legislation.
             -Structure and Procedure.
             -33 Administrative Courts (regulatory, administrative tribunal).
             -The Council of States is essentially the Supreme Court of the administrative courts and their decisions are final.
             -Tribunal of Conflicts.
             -decide whether the case goes to the admin. or just regular judiciary.
             -Separate Supreme Courts exist for the admin and regular.
             -The main organ of the executive government operates as members of the Supreme Court.
             C. Legislative Branch.
             -It's a bicameral parliament(National Assembly, Senate).
             -The Powers of the Parliament to legislate are derived from Art. 34.
             Ordinary Courts Administrative Courts.
             Judiciary Executive Branch.
             ! !.
             Highest Court- Final Review Court-.
             Court of Cassation Council of State.
             ! ! .
             No power to review Can review "executive-.
             legislative or exec. legislation(ordinances, decrees).
             (regulatory laws, special legislation).
             D. Constitutional Council(Separate Organ).
             -Reviews parliamentary legislation.
             -Consists of 9 members(3 elected by pres, 3 by Nat'l Assembly, 3 Senate).
             -An individual cannot initiate it, a state official must bring it forward.

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