Many children in these predicaments are stomped because the teacher is unwilling to change that one particular, teaching style that they've used for thirty years. Due to my personal experience I feel that teachers like these are useless. If a teacher is not dynamic enough to except change they are depriving a child of knowledge in education and subsequently depriving them of a successful life. Yes, every student has had a teacher like this, though everyone has also had a teacher that impacts there life so significantly that they stick with them through every learning process. These are what we should truly call teachers, people that touch lives and for this, have successfully done their job. In two recent experiences I have learned what the importance of a good "teacher" is. Whether in a classroom or not, teachers come in all shapes and forms. Reflecting back, the most significant teachers in our lives are our parents, without them nothing would be possible. Our parents bring us into the world and teach us what life is and the values and morals we carry with us in everything we do. Though unfortunately its not this easy for all people. For six months I interned and was then hired by Child and Family Services of Newport County. There I worked with six to nine year old male victims of abuse and neglect. These children were taken from the people they knew best their families. No matter what a parents horrible actions may be they are still a child's only parents and the process of being taken from home is not to be reckoned for. These children had been through so much hurt and pain in their lives that they often had trouble trusting anyone at all. In working with these children I developed significantly close relationships to many of them and acted as a guardian, therefore a teacher, a teacher of life, someone that showed them that there is happiness and joy out there for them and there lives won't have to be filled with hatred.